Train your employees to strengthen your defense

At Lunarr, we believe that cybersecurity is everyone's business in an organization. It cannot rely solely on technological tools or a dedicated team. The involvement of employees and the development of their skills on these subjects are just as important.
That's why we offer tailor-made training and awareness programs to empower your teams to face digital risks according to their profile and responsibility. From simple awareness of good practices to certified training for your CISOs, to supporting your developers, our e-learning or face-to-face modules are adapted to all audiences.
Our facilitator consultants, who have solid field experience in business, address all the essential topics in a fun and impactful way: phishing, social engineering, secure configuration of workstations and remote access, professional use of messaging and social networks, good password management practices...
Beyond simply transmitting information, our training aims to change the behavior of your employees in a sustainable way so that they integrate the right reflexes and become actors of security on a daily basis.
Because in the face of the increasing number of cyber threats, cybersecurity is more than ever everyone's business, train your teams regularly with Lunarr experts.
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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