A complete risk mapping

Our cybersecurity expert teams start by auditing your information system during on-site or remote workshops, depending on your organization.
We analyze in detail:

Your business processes and internal data flows

The technologies used and your network architecture

The threats specific to your industry

This precise mapping of the digital risks that weigh on your structure allows us to detect critical flaws and vulnerabilities before they are exploited by hackers.
Definition of a tailor-made digital security strategy
Based on this in-depth diagnosis, we define together a digital risk management policy that is in line with your corporate culture and business objectives.
Our experts advise you on the procedures to put in place according to the level of criticality of the risks, as well as on the relevant technological solutions to deploy (firewall, antivirus, encryption, multi-factor authentication...).
We also help you meet regulatory compliance requirements in terms of personal data protection.
Long-term support for teams
Once this tailor-made cybersecurity strategy is established, we can intervene directly with your employees to deploy these policies within the organization: raising awareness of digital risks, training in good practices, reminding them of procedures...
In this way, you put all the odds on your side to concretely strengthen the governance of your digital security, both at the strategic and operational levels.
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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