Offensive security audits through penetration testing

Before malicious hackers attack your systems, have your digital security audited by our penetration testing experts.
At Lunarr, we perform real-world attack simulations to proactively test your organization's cybersecurity.
Our qualified consultants methodically search for vulnerabilities in your web applications, network infrastructures, information systems and connected objects.
To do this, we use the same arsenal as hackers: social engineering, port and service scanning, fuzzing, logical flaw exploitation, privilege escalation, pivoting, etc.
These ethical hacking techniques allow us to determine precisely where a cybercriminal could enter your IS and what sensitive data they could exfiltrate.
At the end of this in-depth technical audit, we will provide you with a detailed report of the vulnerabilities detected, along with recommendations for prioritized corrective actions.
Our pentests cover in particular:

Web application security (SQL injections, XSS, session handling...)

Internal and perimeter network infrastructure (VLAN hopping, spoofing...)

Operating systems and databases (Active Directory, ...)

Wireless networks and connected objects (IP cameras, mobile devices...)

SOC detection and response capabilities

Depending on the scope defined jointly, our pentests can be carried out on site or remotely, in black box or white box mode. Our project managers ensure that an efficient approach is guaranteed while preserving the activity of our clients.
Anticipate hacking by having your organization's cybersecurity regularly audited by Lunarr experts!
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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