Cybersecurity within reach of small businesses

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as very small businesses (VSEs) are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals, even though they have few resources to allocate to their digital protection.
Aware of these challenges, Lunarr has designed a simplified managed services offering to enable these organizations to access an optimal level of security.
Our IT experts first carry out a tailor-made vulnerability audit, focused solely on the fundamentals. We review the configuration of workstations, servers, backups, Wi-Fi, and user best practices.
We then deploy security solutions adapted to VSEs/SMEs, configured and remotely supervised by our teams to free up your internal resources: new generation antivirus, unified firewall, SSL, multi-factor authentication, encryption, etc.
This progressive support allows you to add protection bricks gradually, without overinvesting at the start. We also ensure your regulatory compliance, with, for example, the security of your digital services required by the NIS2 directive.
Finally, thanks to our Security Operation Center (SOC), we monitor your information system 24/7 to detect any abnormal activity. Your teams can thus focus serenely on the business of your organization.
With Lunarr, VSEs and SMEs benefit from cybersecurity that is truly within their reach to ensure the sustainability of their activities.
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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