Expertise dedicated to local public services

Regions, departments, municipalities and intercommunalities manage a considerable amount of digital assets to ensure their public service missions. Due to their exposure, cybercriminals target the data and information systems of these organizations.
This is why Lunarr focuses its expertise on securing the IS of these local authorities, which are at the heart of the relationship of proximity with citizens.
Our consultants first carry out a complete audit of the business applications, websites, connected objects and IT infrastructures used by public services. We verify the compliance of the processing of personal data of citizens with the GDPR.
Depending on the risks detected, we establish a roadmap to strengthen cybersecurity: correction of web and software vulnerabilities, hardening of network architectures, compartmentalization of sensitive data, etc.
We also deploy monitoring probes as close as possible to information systems to detect any abnormal activity in real time. And we verify the reaction and business continuity capacity of our clients in the event of a major cyberattack.
Finally, thanks to its Security Operation Center (SOC), Lunarr ensures continuous monitoring of the IS and infrastructures of its partner communities.
With Lunarr, local authorities combine digital modernization and enhanced cybersecurity at the service of citizens.
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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