Protecting a sector of activity exposed to cyber risks

Banking and financial institutions are among the prime targets of cybercriminals due to the large sums of money that pass through their information systems. Beyond the lure of profit, these attacks can also be carried out in retaliation by activist or state groups.
This is why Lunarr focuses its cybersecurity expertise on the tailor-made support of banks, insurance companies, mutual insurance companies, and asset management companies.
We first carry out a complete audit of the technological and organizational vulnerabilities of these financial institutions. Our teams look for security flaws in business applications, websites, IT infrastructure, and networks. We also analyze their ability to prevent internal and external fraud.
Depending on the risks identified, we recommend appropriate IS security measures: architecture redesign, flaw correction, staff training, reinforced supervision, etc.
In addition, we help these players comply with the increasing regulatory requirements in terms of anti-money laundering, personal data protection, and fraud prevention (DORA directive).
Finally, our Security Operation Center (SOC) can take over the monitoring and response to incidents, allowing our clients to focus serenely on their core business.
With Lunarr, banks, insurance companies, and asset managers strengthen their cybersecurity to inspire confidence in their clients.
Contact us today and let's build your cybersecurity strategy together.

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